As “safer at home” and “shelter in place” orders are lifted, employers need to develop effective and legally compliant strategies for bringing employees back to work. This panel discussion addressed the various legal and practical issues, and risks, that arise when bringing employees back from furlough or layoffs, as well as transitioning employees back from telework to “on site” work. The session covered the latest medical and legal guidance on maintaining a safe workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as various laws to keep in mind (and legal pitfalls to avoid) in developing your business’s return to work strategy.
Moderator: Kara E. Shea
Panelists: Todd P. Photopulos, David L. Johnson, Timothy M. Threadgill and Clarence B. Creech, M.D.
View the slides from the presentation here.

View the links from the webinar below.
Butler Snow Coronavirus Resource Hub
EEOC Pandemic Guidance
OSHA Pandemic Guidance
Federal COVID-19 Unemployment Guidance
FFCRA Guidance from USDOL
CDC General Business Frequently Asked Questions