Capital City Challen ...

Capital City Challenge Expungement Clinic

October 27, 2023


JSU e-Center, 1230 Raymond Rd. Jackson, MS

CCC Expungement Clinic Header Image

The Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project is partnering with local law firms, including Butler Snow, Adams and Reese, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, and Baker Donelson, for a Capital City Challenge Expungement Clinic.

The clinic will be held on Friday, October 27, from 9:00am – 1:00pm at the Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University.

The expungement clinic assists individuals representing themselves. Clinic participants receive legal advice and court documents prepared by licensed Mississippi attorneys.

Click here for online registration, or call 601-960-9577.

Registrants must possess a driver’s license or another form of state issued identification and bring copies of any relevant court documents.