As the March 14, 2025, bill filing deadline approaches in the Texas Legislature, several legislative initiatives have been introduced to reform Chapter 392 and Chapter 394 of the Texas Local Government Code, which govern Housing Finance Corporations (HFCs) and Public Facility Corporations (PFCs).
These proposals aim to address jurisdictional issues, modify tax exemption structures, and impose new regulatory requirements on HFCs and PFCs. While stakeholders broadly agree on the need for clarity regarding jurisdiction, concerns remain about proposals that could significantly limit the ability of these entities to finance and develop affordable housing across the state.
At Butler Snow, we are actively monitoring these legislative efforts and working with industry stakeholders to ensure that any reforms strike a balance between accountability and continued investment in affordable housing.
Butler Snow’s Texas Regulatory & Government Practice Group provides consulting, advisory, and advocacy services related to real estate development and the use of economic development incentives for affordable housing providers. Our team has extensive experience representing developers, syndicators, REITs, and development management companies.
We are here to help. For more information on how these proposed changes may impact your business, please reach out to Esme Thoman or Carley Butler to discuss further.