As a member of the firm’s Finance and Real Estate Group, Brad focuses his practice on corporate law, commercial real estate, intellectual property law, wills and estates and securities.
As a member of the firm’s Finance and Real Estate Group, Brad focuses his practice on corporate law, commercial real estate, intellectual property law, wills and estates and securities.
Practice focuses on general corporate representation, commercial leasing (office and retail), intellectual property law, dental practice management, and estate administration.
BL Rankings, The Best Lawyers in America®
- Real Estate Law, 2024-2025
Bar Admissions
- Alabama, 2006
- Vanderbilt University Law School, J.D., 2006
- Indiana University, B.A., Business Administration and Marketing, 2002
- American Bar Association
- Alabama State Bar Association
- Birmingham Bar Association
Civic Involvement
- Homewood Community Church, Member
- Homewood Parks and Recreation, Youth Sports Coaching